Rick Allen

“In the 30+ years I’ve known Dr. Ochs, he’s always come across as a straight shooter, something that many of today’s leaders could use.”
President/CEO, Willow Canyon Companies

Stefan Bird

“I’ve worked with Ben since before I took my current role. He now works with my senior team, and his talent for seeing their skills and challenges plays an important role in my development decisions for them.”
President and CEO, Pacific Power

Chris Greenfield

“Ben has taught me a great deal. He has the ability to boil the complex down to just a few elemental components.”
Vice-President, The Federal Metal Company

Michael A. Smyer, Ph.D.

“Ben has an amazing ability to blend quantitative and qualitative indicators into a comprehensive and comprehensible pattern. Equally important, he is very skilled at helping you see the action implications and next steps that emerge from the data. His suggestions have made a big difference in my effectiveness.”
Provost-Emeritus, Bucknell University

Matt McCoy

“Ben has the insight and experience to interpret the critical elements of what it takes to be an effective leader, something from which all executives can benefit.”
Senator, D-IA District 31

Bob Sluder

“Ben’s ability to see the dynamics of my senior team, and the influence of my particular style, really gave me some things to think about regarding how best to lead.”
President-Emeritus, Kern River Gas Transmission

Dr. William J. Rothwell

“The executive development atmosphere is really great. You can focus on key issues affecting yourself and your organization.”
Penn State Professor
Author, “What CEOs Expect from Corporate Training”

Steven McNair

“I welcomed the opportunity to leave behind the constant demands of my position and refocus. It’s amazing how the experience refreshed, renewed and challenged me. The setting is incredible and I was well taken care of. This program was a bright spot in my professional career.”
President-Emeritus, The Iona Group, Inc.

R. Kevin LaGree

“Dr. Ochs provided the type of review the chair of our board requested, conducted it in a timely and cost-effective manner, and interacted warmly and well with those whom he interviewed.”
President-Emeritus, Simpson College